Fascinating, Astute Questions

Do I need to take a COVID-19 test for this wedding?

YES. We have immunocompromised guests attending, so this is non-negotiable. We kindly ask that you do a rapid test both before traveling and the day of the wedding. If you’d like to email/text us a picture of your negative COVID test, we’d love to see it! Also, you MUST be vaxxed and boosted before you RSVP.

What exactly are the dress codes for each event?

For the Welcome Happy Hour, come comfortable but classy! For us, that means no neckties, low/no heels (save those toes for the next night), and a laid-back yet polished vibe.

For the Wedding Celebration, dress to impress with your best cocktail attire! For us, that means suits & ties, dresses/jumpsuits & block heels (we don’t recommend stilettos, since the rooftop has a wood planked floor). Feel fancy, but have fun with it!

If you feel compelled to change things up (or you’ve gotten really sweaty from dancing), there is a brief lull between the Wedding Celebration and the After Party where you could change outfits. Dory will likely be changing into some kind of South Beach meets Brighton Beach frock; Nate will likely not change in the slightest.

If you need help picking out an outfit, we’re happy to help!

Will there be a ceremony?

Nope! Dory and Nate will be doing their nuptials privately with immediate family only prior to the reception.

The Hora looks fun, but I have anxiety about doing it. Help?

We get it. This traditionally joyful dance can be a hora-fying experience if done wrong. But, since Dory is a Big Fat Jew™, it’s definitely happening. CLICK HERE to watch a video that should help you feel more confident when it all goes down. For an even more detailed breakdown of who does what during The Hora, CLICK HERE!

So, is this a full-on Jewish wedding?

There will be some Jewish elements, but it’ll mostly be a secular affair. No yarmulkes required. But, if the festivities get you feeling religious, slap it on and party.

Can I ask the DJ to play a song request?

Please do not. Nate and Dory have very specific music opinions and our DJ has strict instructions to stick to pre-approved songs/artists. Trust us, we know what we’re doing.

Can I bring my child? I promise they won’t cry or misbehave!

As much as we’re sure that your kid is an angel delivered straight from the heavens, they are not invited to the wedding. This is a 21+ event. Think of it as a cool, brief vacation from the kids. How fun!

Can I bring my significant other, even though they weren’t invited?

Whether you’ve been together for 10 years or 10 seconds, we ask that only those explicitly invited join us on our special day. If you believe there was an error with your invite, please holler at Dory or Nate directly.

Is this an outdoor wedding?

Absolutely not. It will be the dead of winter in NYC, and we are nice people. There will be a free coat check, too. (Fun fact: Dory has been a coat-check girl many times, so please remember to bring some cash for tips. She knows how much they are appreciated!)

Will there be an open bar at the wedding?

Is the Pope Catholic?

What time should I really show up to the Wedding? (i.e. Can I be fashionably late?)

Please show up at 5 PM on the dot. If you are a habitually late person, aim to be there at 4:30 PM — there’s a great bar downstairs should you need to kill time. (This means: DO NOT be fashionably late)

What about the Welcome Happy Hour? When should I roll through?

We’ll be at The Springs from 4 PM - 7 PM on Saturday, so come by for a cocktail and a lite bite whenever you can. (Hint: make your own dinner reservations for Saturday night… now!)

What if we want to keep partying after the wedding ends?

Hell yeah, that’s the spirit. There will be an afterparty (with a cash bar) at Brooklyn Lantern, conveniently located right downstairs inside The Box House. We will be partying there until 1AM!

What if we want to get the bride and groom a gift?

Well, aren’t you sweet! Our dream is to have a magical honeymoon in Italy — Lake Como and Sicily, to be exact. We are graciously accepting contributions toward our Honeymoon Fund. Unsure of how much to gift? Visit the link! That’s where we have listed some fun and/or very important things that you can directly contribute to on our honeymoon.

So, does that mean there’s no wedding registry?

Correct! No wedding registry, just a Honeymoon Fund.

But what if I reeeeeally want to get them a new set of pots and pans, or like, a suuuuper funny joke gift?

We kindly, and with lots of love, ask you to please suppress your generous urges and just stick to the Honeymoon Fund.

What if we want bring a physical check inside a card instead?

Sure! We’ll have a locked box at the escort table for you to drop it into. Please address checks to either “Dory Greenberg” OR “Nathaniel Welch” (not both, please).

I have a dietary restriction / I lie about having a dietary restriction because I’m a picky eater. Is that okay?

Totally okay. Our menu is now listed on the homepage so that you may scope it out ahead of time. The dinner will be served family style, so each table will get a sampling of the entire menu. Email us if you have any extra questions — they’ll always be met without judgment.

Why is the wedding in Brooklyn?

When we started dating, Dory was living in Brooklyn — Greenpoint, to be exact! That meant that, for a year, Nate was also living there part-time. We’ve established some strong roots in Brooklyn, and we hope you enjoying visiting if you’re not from around here.

I can’t wait to Instagram the sh*t out of this wedding. That’s okay, right?

More than okay! Please use (hashtag)DoryAndNate so that we can track and share all of your amazing photos and videos.

How do I plant your wedding invitation?

It’s easy! Follow the instructions in this video to start sprouting thyme from your invite. (We recommend watching on mute, as the music choice is insufferable.)

Wow, this is a long list. Which one of you is Type A?

Dory. It’s obviously Dory.

And you’re welcome.